What cheery news! It looks like the silver lining on this MAGA cloud is the eroding support for the Conservatives and Pierre Poilievre.

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I’ve seen this IPSOS graphic on a couple of other sites. I find it interesting that the liberals, who now have the lead, are still listed in second on the graph.

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Carney should call an election as soon as he wins. Canada needs a leader ASAP to fight back against Trump. With Trudeau being the outgoing PM, Canada is not in the greatest position now, but I give Trudeau credit that he seems to be more effective after he has announced his resignation.

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I hope the Liberals win, but I really don't like them. Carney seems lurching to the right, and we will need a strong NDP to mitigate that. Not what we are seeing now.

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Ekos showed a similar result yesterday. I’m trying not to get my hopes up too much, but I’m optimistic that the upcoming election will at least be competitive and not a crushing majority for the Cons.

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I really think people are tired of PP - telling them they are broken, blaming 'broken' on JT, speaking in slogans and generally being arrogant. He gets his advice from a lobbyist for Gallen Weston who is equally as nasty as PP. His 'axe the tax' is actually for the wealthy - he just hasn't told the people you'll get to pay more. He wants to get rid of the CBC - a long standing CDN cultural institution so he can sell off media to big business, preferably US big business - like Post Media. He uses the Trump play book. Canadians are sick of him. By contrast, the Liberal leadership contenders are behaving like adults and have multiples more knowledge than PP. Our current PM is spending all the last days of his job working for Canada, setting up trade deals with the EU and working to support the Ukraine and planning a tariff defence against the orange menace. These are just a few reasons for the polling change. I expect the numbers to divert even more with the Con numbers falling. CDNs can't risk an arrogant toddler in charge in these changing & unstable times.

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This is the first positive or even slightly good news content since I subscribed. Hope it's a trend 🙏

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