How do I feel about this? Angry, very angry.

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Disgusting display by the pear shaped Oval Office.

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Apparently the "why don't you wear a suit" question is attributed to the husband of MTG. Surprised?

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Don't like being blindsided. The actions of Tump/Vance define a shift in the balance of power, leaving a seemingly small vacuum (support for the Ukraine), that the UK & Willing allies stated they would fill by putting fit on the ground.

The implications of feet on the ground takes, that which was seemingly small, and transforms it into something rather a whole lot larger.

Does Europe not realize, at this moment, it can't find the manpower necessary to wage such a campaign (Reuters), or build war product fast enough needed to bring an end to the war.

Given the reality of sans adequate manpower, sans adequate equipment seems a situation, where Europe too found itself on the ground after being blindsided by the U.S. Not a good position to be in when trying to mount a defensive of offensive.

The situation of having to start from a weak position does not bode well.

China, the great dragon, now awakened from slumber, looks greedily on.

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Canada is in the same position as Ukraine

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