I’m Rachel Gilmore 💞✨
I’m your least favourite person’s least favourite journalist.
And I’m here to pop your bubble.
After almost a decade of working in national mainstream media, I decided to strike out on my own.
I was tired of the bubble mindset in newsrooms, where certain stories were always privileged over others. Where a pursuit of the perception of objectivity resulted in real bias. I decided I wanted to try to do things differently.
Here, I dig into topics outside your bubble: liars and grifters, human rights and hate, extremists and egos.
Most importantly: I don’t operate from a neutral perspective.
I operate from the perspective that racism, transphobia and other forms of hate are bad. I won’t both-sides those issues. I check all my facts — and yours — so we can participate in this world without undue influence from bad actors and grifters who tell us what to think.
So join me. Let’s pop some bubbles.